Golang is all good and sunshine .. untill you need a library which is only available in C / C++

Here is a few note for Golang <-> C binding :

Calling C code from Golang

#include <stdio.h>

void callme(){
    printf("Called from C");
package main

//extern void callme()
import "C"

func CallC(){

//Called from C

Calling Go code from C

#include <stdio.h>
#include <_cgo_export.h>

void callme(){
package main

//extern void callme()
import "C"
import "fmt"

//export GoCall
func GoCall(){
    fmt.Println("Called from Go")   

func CallC(){

//Called from Go

and of course there is some part where you need to take care of, not everything can be exported to C


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